About Us
OJEPINITON, your trusted partner for professional training for over 13 years.
Our History
OJEPI NITON is a training, studies, and consulting firm created on February 1, 2012. It is accredited by the FDFP (Fonds de Développement de Formation Professionnelle), the METFPA (Ministry of Technical Education, Professional Training and Apprenticeship), the FIRCA (Interprofessional Fund for Agricultural Research and Consulting), the PAPAN (Support Program for National Poultry Production), and the CAFE-CACAO Council.
- Accredited by the Fund for the Development of Professional Training (FDFP)

Trained Learners
Partner Companies
Years of Experience
Satisfaction Rate

- Support and promote the development of companies by strengthening the professional capacities of personnel in both the private and public sectors through training and advisory support.
- Contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development by supporting youth and women in the creation and management of income-generating activities.
- Technical support for local communities in the framework of planning and implementing participatory decentralized development.
Our Values
The values that guide our actions and our commitment to excellence
We aim for excellence in every training we provide.
We adopt the latest teaching methodologies and technologies.
Personalized follow-up to ensure the success of each learner.
A team of trainers who are experts in their respective fields.
Training is an investment in the future. Our role is to guide each individual towards realizing their full potential.
Ready to start your training?
Contact us to discuss your training needs and discover our programs tailored to your objectives.